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    Société suisse de services financiers



    The company is currently licensed and in good standing. It has extensive financial services authorizations including brokerage, FOREX, crypto, payments, credit/debit cards and IBAN account intermediaries, commodities and much more.

    Please find more information and next steps below:

    • EST. 2019
    • Residence:  Geneva
    • License:  in good standing, continuous renewal.
    • Bank:  Credit Suisse
    • Type:  Swiss AG
    • Permissions:  see attached permissions
    • Description of the Company’s regulatory license:

    In Switzerland, there are two categories of financial intermediaries. A first category includes banks, insurance companies, securities dealers, fund managers, etc. and is subject to the supervision of art. 2, para. 2 of the LBA. The other group, called by FINMA the “alternative” or “para-banking” sector, brings together all other financial intermediaries and is subject to the supervision of art. 2, para. 3 of the LBA. The approval of this company falls under the para-banking category and is a member of a supervisory body officially approved by FINMA.

    • Very low ongoing costs:

    – Fixed base total operating costs are less than CHF 60,000 per YEAR, including virtually everything, i.e. agent/responsibility fees of experienced Compliance Officer and Director, head office address, fees license, financial audit, compliance audit, OAR audit fees and balance sheet, P&L report, tax declaration and the related general meeting.

    • Guarantee:  No debt, lawsuit or taxes to pay (comes with guarantee)
    • Turnkey delivery:  100% turnkey – all company administration is already in place, including but not limited to experienced director, compliance officer, accountant and financial auditors and compliance, etc.). Our group takes care of all the administration of the company.
    • Shareholders:  foreign buyers/shareholders are allowed
    • Included in the sale:

    -An experienced Swiss resident director is in place and will remain in office after the sale.
    -An experienced Compliance Manager is in place and will remain in post after the sale.
    -Change of name and purpose
    -Corporate website (custom built)
    -Swiss telephone number
    -customizable automated PBX system for professional call routing

    • The transfer process in Switzerland is very quick: no regulatory authorization is required. Once the agreement is signed and the purchase price is received, the transfer takes place and the directors begin taking orders from the new shareholder(s).
    • No transfer fees or commissions

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue




    Business ID:





    Business ID:L#20230547
    Target Price: TBA
    Gross Revenue:TBA
    Target Price / Revenue:TBD
    Target Price / EBITDA:TBD
    Contact M&A Advisor

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      The company is currently licensed and in good standing. It has extensive financial services authorizations including brokerage, FOREX, crypto, payments, credit/debit cards and IBAN account intermediaries, commodities and much more.

      Please find more information and next steps below:

      In Switzerland, there are two categories of financial intermediaries. A first category includes banks, insurance companies, securities dealers, fund managers, etc. and is subject to the supervision of art. 2, para. 2 of the LBA. The other group, called by FINMA the “alternative” or “para-banking” sector, brings together all other financial intermediaries and is subject to the supervision of art. 2, para. 3 of the LBA. The approval of this company falls under the para-banking category and is a member of a supervisory body officially approved by FINMA.

      – Fixed base total operating costs are less than CHF 60,000 per YEAR, including virtually everything, i.e. agent/responsibility fees of experienced Compliance Officer and Director, head office address, fees license, financial audit, compliance audit, OAR audit fees and balance sheet, P&L report, tax declaration and the related general meeting.

      -An experienced Swiss resident director is in place and will remain in office after the sale.
      -An experienced Compliance Manager is in place and will remain in post after the sale.
      -Change of name and purpose
      -Corporate website (custom built)
      -Swiss telephone number
      -customizable automated PBX system for professional call routing

      MergersCorp M&A
      International Vu sur

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